Chasing “A Flaw in the Blood”

Such a clean box design. Made to hold treasures.

Such a clean box design. Made to hold treasures.

I got a new iPad! A major reason why is I am trying to gain control of books. I always have and always will maintain a personal, quirky library. Books have always been necessary treasures in any home I’ve lived in, but…they can be cumbersome.

Especially those that though they are beautiful to someone, when I am finished reading them I do not feel a mother’s or a lover’s need to protect. That category can become weighty and some of them are known before I buy them.

Another issue is I take personal shopping bags to grocery stores, use cloth napkins, avoid running water overlong and would take in my wine bottles for refills if it were possible. My carbon footprint is still deep, but I like to think of myself as a person who gives effort.

The iPad is an effort. My first iBook project is A Flaw in the Blood by Stephanie Barron. This book club pick sounds like an entertaining read though I am not familiar with Barron’s writing.

There's something fitting about juxtaposition of an iPad and a mythological-themed Spanish tapestry copy.

There’s something fitting about juxtaposition of an iPad and a mythological-themed Spanish tapestry copy posed on an old Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island and St. Ives.

Amazon sells a new book starting at $4.68, Kindle at $9.99 and used $.01 plus shipping from a supplier. Barnes and Noble sells it for $12.97 or a Nook for $11.99. Half Price Books sells paper versions for $1.89 new and $.99 plus shipping for used. I have accounts at all three. iBooks is $11.97. Apache Junction Library is free and has one copy. Now the considerations.

1. Do I need new of this title? No, but I momentarily feel for Barron that her income after countless hours is diminished, and I don’t like other people’s scrawls in used books. Small, light pencil marks are okay.

2. What is my purpose in reading this book? If it is strictly entertainment such as a celebrity biography, the cheaper or free is better. In this case it is to ingratiate myself with the book club that I have done my duty and to learn about one more author.


3. Will I keep this book? That depends on what I ultimately think of her writing. Those questions usually circle around: Does it transport me or teach me writing? Is it useful information? Will I be attached to it because I am and I don’t have to explain myself?

4. Does it have gift or charity value? Would I like to give it to someone or leave it on a park bench for the next reader, or donate it to a library.

Overall, my reservation about the author is it appears she has a cartload of books all based on rewriting history with some historical documentation and a lot of imagination. This statement is not verified. Odd how they all turn out to be mysteries. It is not a likely keeper.

So yes, I’d spend $.01 or $1.99 plus shipping to support business and recirculate a book, but in this case I’m opting for free from the library (Cost: $3.75 or one gallon of gas.). Maybe I can amortize that with several stops.

I’m still looking for an iBooks purchase because now it seems important and I have a list of “to reads” to consult.


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14 Responses to Chasing “A Flaw in the Blood”

  1. Good luck with the new way.

  2. The DC says:

    I go through “spells”,where I’ll buy and read lots of books in a short time,then I may go weeks or even a year before I feel like picking up one to read…but I feel ya on all of this,LOL! I bought a (basic model) Kindle reader (unfortunately,there’s only black and white on my model,so magazine subscriptions and such,I don’t do those on it,but then,I like having the actual paper magazine in hand and for future reference). I can attest that (again,other than books with lots of pics in it,like how-to’s/etc) I love my Kindle,even though it’s a basic reader model,as does my over crowded book shelf 😛

    Congratulations on the new iPad,my friend,have fun with and enjoy it! 😀

  3. I’ve a lot to learn! Google earth is near nosy! Too many exclamation marks so it is time to go!

  4. Congratulations on the iPad. I have shelves and shelves of books and now I’m ‘hoarding’ books on my iPad. I want to read them ALL but never will. I like the convenience of the Kindle but I still prefer a real book you can flip pages back and forth if need be. ❤ 😀

  5. I’m will you all the way. Technology is a space saver, but for people like you and me…maybe little else.

  6. Isn’t it ridiculous? So many people just go and buy things. Why I think I need to justify everything is a mystery I’ve never solved.

  7. Pit says:

    Quite interesting thoughts. Personally, I really like to be able to hold a book in my hands and leaf through it. But as you say: that willl certainly lead to a large library. And space in the house is limited. Plus: it’s difficult to outright mpossible to take many books with you on a longer vacation. That’s why I have Kindle on my laptop.
    But any e-reader has one disadvantage: the authors get less money.
    Talking of Amazon: the biggest drawback of Amazon and other online bookstores is that they drive the traditional bookstores out of business. No more browsing around the shelves with hundreds of real books. 😦 For me here in southern Texas there’s only one “real” bookstore left in San Antonio: Barnes & Noble. And there is half-price books. I sincerely hjope they’ll survive.
    Best regards from southern Texas,

  8. First, thanks for stopping by and commenting. It really is a dilemma we “real” book readers are in. You brought up several issues I think are important. Amazon is a subject all by itself and is as evil as angelic. I want to always be able to browse in bookstores and I really believe that also helps authors as we touch and feel the book they worked on for so long.

  9. congrats for you new iPad….

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